Hey people....Jeez Louise, these last two weeks have been hectic to say the least. Regular readers of www.flyingfrank.com will know that I have spent the last few weeks 'on my back' injured and, save for my appearance at Jordan and Peters wedding, I haven't really done all that much. You will recall that this followed my last race, where I sped out of the traps and got shafted by those hounds Woodlands Vieri and Show the Light. Fear not - they will be sleeping with the fishes fairly shortly.
To beat off the boredom of my convalescence, I started up the 'Save the Stow' campaign. There is alot to update you on this (in particular the small matter of your favourite Greyhound being splashed across the Newspupers - The Sun Online, Express and Walthamstow Guardian to name but three), but I will leave that for another day - in the meantime, make sure you sign up at www.savethestow.com and help salvage the home of Greyhound racing.
One of the few things that kept me going during those dark days was the good wishes from my friends, in particular those from olympic champion and BBC TV personality, Sally Gunnell. She really looks out for me and keeps me on track in my personal life. Before I knew Aunt Sally (as I jape with her), I thought Sally Gunnell was a golfing term but we have formed a close bond and I have no qualms about putting my feelings about her into (s)print. I know that sometimes she blows hot and gold about our relationship, especially when I have the runs, but I always jog her memory about the good times and we remain good friends.
Which leads me to the point that....I am back in the saddle again! Tonight is my comeback race at The Stow. I am in trap 2 in the 21.14, The Harlow Racing Stakes. There is £100 and a big daddy trophy up for grabs, but I just need a run-out to be honest with you. I don't want to play it up too much, but if I do win, I am thinking about having an open-top bus tour in Trafalgar Square. Will keep you posted and let you know tomorrow.
In the meantime:
- sign up at www.savethestow.com
- email me at woof@flyingfrank.com and show that you care
- spread the word about the Flyer to all and sundry.
P.S - Big shout out to my good buddy Sam on the Greyhound Recorder in Australia!
Speak tomorrow.
Peace. Love. Woof.
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