I know, I know. I'm a bad doggie. I'm in the Doghouse. I'm the mutt in a rutt.
Apologies to all of you - I clearly haven't been writing all that much of late and to be honest, it's not fair to you, my fans. If I am to continue with my plans for (Greyhound) world domination then I need to treat my loyal army a bit better and keep you better informed as to my goings on.
To tell you the truth, I have been through alot of high and lows of late, as you can see in the picture. A few people have a problem with my friends in the pic, but I don't see what all the fuss is about. So I like to chill with a miniature goblin from time to time - what's the problem, dude? So I shoot a few hoops with a seven foot basketball player of-an-evening - what ya gonna do, sue me? And yes, I enjoy the company of a vertically challenged lady in a gold lame bikini - What can I say? I'm a lover, not a fighter, and I make no apologies if the regime don't like it man. They keep me sane with their tall stories and short anecdotes and I love em.
You may have noticed that I haven't been racing too much of late. Well, I had a run-out last Saturday and it just didn't come together for me. It was embarrassing to tell you the truth. Some joker called Bell Crusader beat me by an absolute country mile, I ended up coming fifth and as a result, Jono thinks that I should take a week or two off.
No races for me this week then - instead I am catching up on some reading. I am currently working my way through the entire works of William Shakespeare - his stuff is actually not bard for an old, dead bloke. I have already finished reading Twelfth Bite and I am working my way through Mutt Ado About Nothing. It really helps me take my mind of the pressures of racing and get away from the hustle and bustle of the kennels. Apart from that I've just been getting on with my campaign at www.savethestow.com and deploying more agents in the field to bring the home the bacon. Mmmm, Bacon. Or if they can't bring home the bacon, then a celebrity picture message will suffice. Mmmmm, celebrity picture messages.
So get cracking people - believe me when I say I have some great celebrity messages, agents in the field anecdotes and features coming up in the next few weeks, so keep your eyes peeled.
Peace. Love. Woof.
Flying Frank
P.S. - A big, big 'you should be ashamed of yourself' slating goes out to AIF (Agent In the Field) Spriggsy for his shameful performance. Right your wrong, man!
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