After what seems like months chilling out in the kennels with my bitches, its great to announce to you, my loyal followers, that I'm back in the traps tomorrow night in the 19.57pm "Cancer Research UK thanks to Sue and Mick Puzey Stakes" which will see me, the Flyer make his hurdling debut....yes, that's right, you heard me correct - hurdles!
When Jonno first told me he wanted me to try out as a hurdler, I told him where to jump, but after some reflection over a bag of Bonios and a chilled bowl of Volvic , I started to come round to the idea. Jonno reckons that jumping will help me focus on the job in hand and not get distracted by all the bitches on the track...yeah right, as if. I called on my my good pal Jonathan Edwards or Eds as I refer to him, the World Champion triple jumper for a spot of advice. I've known Eds for years and he has always been a good mate - we did have a light falling out over Denise Lewis a while back and I told him where to hop, skip and jump, but its probably best not to dwell on the past. He sent me this message, which to be honest, I thought was a little over the top...as my old pal Sir Al says, we don't like a***lickers and we don't like schmoozer's. Its not a bloody game show Jonathan so stop trying to suck up just because I've got my own column in the Walthamstow Guardian and I'm a hit with the ladies.
Anyhow, I'm going to keep this blog short and sweet as the World Cup Opening Ceremony is about to start and Jonno has laid on a special screening at the kennels. My money is on Ivory Coast. Talking of money, I'm in trap one tomorrow and raring to go....you wont go far wrong with a few quid on The Flyer.
as they say in Germany, adios amigos...will let you know how I get on...
Peace. Love. Woof.
Flying Frank
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