Well, whilst my racing career hasn't exactly been flying of late, I can report that my Facebook club is going from strength to strength- 114 members at the last count. Things are really going great at the moment on there - if you are not on there yet declaring your undying love for me (why not??!), then do so! Just go onto www.facebook.com and then search for me. I should come up first.
In the meantime, I'm happy to tell you that this loverlee message snuck it's way into my inbox this week. Great timing, what with the Cricket World Cup in the West Indies and all. As you can see, it's me old China Plate, 'Dazzling' Darren Gough who's sent a message. Tell you something, I really Gough my cap to him, as he is a top bloke, a really wicket fella (as he says in the photo). Although we still go out looking for a couple of bouncers, we go way back do me and Dazzler, and now that he is a 'Strictly Come Dancing' Champion and I still love him - waltz and all.
Anyway, as you can probably guess, I am less than happy about not racing. Rest assured though that this is not a permanent thing - I will be back soon, better than ever, so watch this space - and keep emailing me at woof@flyingfrank.com
Speak soon,
Peace. Love. Woof.
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