People - you know the score by now.
Last night I powered, or literally flew, to the second victory of my career. And the party is only just winding down. What a night - full of high jinks, booze and ladies (all above board though - no stroke-aine or anything like that). I really am a British full-dog after that bender.
It truly was a magnificent evening - nice balmy conditions and I was in trap 1, which is fast becoming my favorite. I was psyching out the other dogs - I could tell they were terrier-fied of me. Starting at odds of 6-1, I bound out of the trap and took the lead by the fist bend. After that it was full speed ahead to the finish line. I won in a record time of 39.74, therefore breaking that elusive 40 second barrier. I even beat my nemesis and rival Blonde Pearl.....oooh soooo arrogant.... stuffed it up you there mate, didn't I - Blonde Pearl? More like Blonde GIRL!! See you on the track soon buddy...
AND THEN THE CELEBRATIONS STARTED! My owners were there (hmmm.....didn't see those morons so often when I was coming fifth. They were busy don't you know?! and the recent £300 in prize money has no bearing whatsoever on it! That'll pay for another manicure or whatever, I'm sure...) and they came up to the podium with me, patting me, congratulating me etc. Dave the handler told me to smile, be nice and not be rude to them - something about an owner being for life, not just for Christmas...anyhow, once that was over and we had the pictures, got the trophy etc, I retired to my favourite hang out Charlie Chan's. Had a great night with my ladies, which I can't say too much about, except that on my way out someone pinched my wallet. Apparently police are investigating but as yet, they have no leads.
So there you have it....thank you so much to my supporters for all their best wishes. The 'Triple F' club (Friends of Flying Frank) is swelling in number and I would ask you to keep emailing me at flyingfrank@frankpr.it.
As well as your good wishes, I am running a special topic for all Triple F's this week, called 'ASK FRANK'....you can email me any question you like ranging from who my favourite model is to who my favourite Supermodel is and I will post them all up here after the weekend.... the whole capoodle, I promise, with answers! Get them in now - flyingfrank@frankpr.it
That'll do for now - have a good weekend.
Peace. Love. Woof.
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