Hello Fans,
I hope you are all doing well after the weekend. As for me, I had a really chilled out couple of days. I took a lady friend to Paris and we had the most magical time. Amongst other things we enjoyed a romantic walk down the Bark De Triomphe, visited the Louvre to look at the Bona Lisa and also spent alot of time on the Chomp Elysees. More than anything, it meant that I could be left alone without the puppyrazzi being on my tail the whole time. All in all, very relaxing.
Anyhow, enough of my weekend antics. Just before I launch into my posting though, a bit of general housekeeping...
1) The details of my next race have been announced. I am (hopefully) flying out of trap 2 in the 8.36 at The Stow, this Thursday 4th August. Come and see me, email me for good luck, have a punt on me or just keep your fingers crossed - it is all appreciated.
2) Regular readers - or Triple F's - will know that the topic this week is 'Ask Frank'. This means you can send me your question on any subject under the sun. I have got some great posers in already and I will be posting them all up later in the week. As usual, get your questions into flyingfrank@frankpr.it
Now that that is done, on with today's post, dedicated to two very important people in my life...
Mum and Dad
I'm getting a bit conscious that so far on this blog, you only see the rock 'n roll side of my life and haven't yet got to know me properly. What with one race after the other, the celeb bashes, dates with wannabe models and the like, life goes on at such a pace that I sometimes don't have time to let you in on the stuff that really matters to me. So I'll start with those that brought me up by hand, Mum and Dad, or as we say in Ireland, Mum and Dad (Picture of Daddy is above).
In case you weren't aware, I was born in County Clare, Ireland, on September 1st 2003 to my parents who were paw, but happy. My Mum's name is Ard Flash and my Dad is called Bypass Byway. He's where I got my racing genes from and I look up to him. He's retired now, but the pinnacle of his career came when he won the Greyhound Derby in 2002, setting the course record in the process. He often tells me about that night, the crowd, the buzz, the post-race celebrations. Oh yes, and the not so small matter of the 150,000 Euros prize money that set him up for life. Believe me he was larging it after that win - it was Evian in his bowl all the way.
Sadly, that was his last race. He doesn't like to talk about what happened next, but I think that all the fame and the glory just caught up with him. He was never really a dog that liked being in the public spotlight and there he was, cameras flashing everywhere he went, reporters doorstepping him, investigative journalists probing into his past trying to dish the dirt. It got to the stage that he even found a secret camera hidden in his water bowl. As you know by now, this kind of thing is an occupational hazard that his son takes in his stride - sadly though, It all got too much for Dad and he called it a day.
Mum on the other hand was never really the racing sort. She ran a few races in Cork, but found the female dog circuit, as she always puts it, as "a little too bitchy" for her liking. I guess its a bit like women's professional tennis in that respect. She also mentioned that she was often pestered by some of the butch-er girl dogs, or "gayhounds" as she still refers to them.
I phone home every week or so to speak to Mum and Dad. Jono is a bit tight about letting me use his landline so I've got myself a tariff with Vodabone that's not bad value.
So there you have it...I hope you've got to know me a bit better now - I didn't want to give you the impression that I'm a bit shallow and just over here for the champagne lifestyle. London is a daunting place for a puppy and E17 teaches you a fair bit about life. I'm learning the whole time, I'm sure I'll make mistakes, but with your support I'll get through.
More about family life later and my brothers and sisters. All 541 of them (well they say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, eh ladies?).
Love. Peace. Woof.
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