Well, things have gone bananas round Claverhambury kennels in the last few weeks and I thought it was about time I did a little recap for you all. For one thing, the media have gone crazy. Esteemed publications in which I have appeared in recent weeks include BBC Sport Online (which you can see in the picture), The Sun Online (twice), Daily Express, Daily Star Sunday, The Sunday Times, Racing Post and my personal favourite, the Walthamstow Guardian. Not forgetting those great gallahs on the Australian Greyhound Recorder who are also featuring the original Frankster. I've even been on the telly, with appearances on Channel 425 and BBC London to my name. Check this out - things have even got so mad that I have my own fan-site. I love it - don't know who this guy is, but I am flattered. Go right now and read it yourself at www.iloveflyingfrank.moonfruit.com .
I don't want anyone to forget what this is all about though.
Incase you are new to my site, I have launched my own campaign to save the mecca of greyhound racing, Walthamstow Stadium, from closure. There are some big, nasty men who are itching to get their hardhats out and bulldoze the place. Put a stop to this madness by signing the petition at www.savethestow.com
On the downside, while I have been hitting the headlines everyone has come out of the woodwork and wants a little bit of The Flyer - the telebone has not stopped ringing. I've had offers of endorsement deals (a carpenter wanted to launch a new product called The Flying Plank) and TV shows ( I was asked to go on "Stars in their eyes" as Lassie) but I just want to keep focused on what is important. I'm still me after all - a bit rrrrruff around the edges maybe, but still just a working lad from Ireland making his way over here.
So for now, I only care about four things:
1) Winning races (next race rumoured to be either Thursday or Saturday - you will be the first to know)
2) Saving The Stow
3) Rachel Stevens (mmmm....Rachel Stevens)
4) Continuing to collate my celebrity messages
On the last one, please feel free to get involved yourself. I have gathered around 25 myself, but I need as many agents in the field as possible who can collect these for me. We already have a couple (Agent Leigh, you are da man!), but I want the big one - my namesake, Flying Frank Lampard. My army of Triple F's - go get him!
That's all for now, speak soon and welcome to my new readers - drop me a line if you like at woof@flyingfrank.com
Peace. Love. Woof.
Flying Frank
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