Hello everyone,
After my victorious win at the end of last week, I decided to take a few days off, as well as keep in touch with a few of my celebrity friends (one of whom you can see in the picture, but more about her later). I wanted to have a change of scenery for a few days, so I decided to take off to Manchester, where some of my old friends were in town.
I have some long-time buddies who originally come from a place in North Manchester called Bury (something us dogs enjoy doing). A few years back they moved across the Pennines to Leads (something us dogs definitely don't enjoy) before settling in Puppy New Guinea. They were back in town for a few days so we decided to head down to Belle Vue greyhound stadium where a few of my mates - and lady friends - hang out. Added to that, England were playing at Old Trafford, where my namesake 'Flying' Frank Lampard came to the rescue and shot England to the world cup (come on the Re-pup-lic of Ireland tonight!).
Incidentally, Lamps is someone I would really like to add to my gallery of stars - anyone who can get him would net themselves Platinum membership of the Triple F club (which stands for Friends of Flying Frank). I am sure my owners would throw in a Scampi and chips at The Stow as well.
Talking of celebrities, you will see that another close pal of mine has left an encouraging message for me. It is none other than the queen of morning telly, Lorraine Kelly, or Special LK as I call her. She is a true gem and even though she wakes up at the crack of dawn every morning....ahem, ask me no questions and you will get no lies.....she is a truly bonny lass. I watch her every day on GMTV (Greyhound Morning Television) and it really sets me up for the day. She is fully behind the Save the Stow campaign (go to www.savethestow.com now to sign up) and for many years has been a Lorraine of sunshine in my life. Infact, I have been thinking about naming my first daughter after her. I was going to give her two first names, hers and that of my first girlfriend, Keisha. Somehow though, Keisha-Lorraine doesn't sound right - it just makes me hungry.
Got to go now I'm afraid, but a bit of general housekeeping first:
- The date of my next race has not been set. I am going to move up a distance to 640 metres and we could be looking at next Tuesday.
- The Rachel Stevens competition is still running, so get your answers into woof@flyingfrank.com
- www.savethestow.com continues to gather signatures from across the globe. Big shout going out to the Office of the Australian Prime Minister!
Speak soon doggie-lovers.
Peace. Love. Woof.
Flying Frank
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